
[학습노트][McKinsey Insight] 디지털 전략

많루 2021. 1. 3. 13:53

영어 공부 겸 트랜드 공부를 위해 맥킨지 인사이트와 하버드 비즈니스 리뷰 위주로 아티클을 찾아읽곤 하는데, 

기왕이면 기록 & 정리하면서 보기로 한다.

주제는 한정하지 않으나 업무 관련한 것을 우선으로 찾아볼 예정이다. 

교육 업무를 하고 있으나, 교육을 주제로하는 아티클을 찾기보다는 교육해야할 컨텐츠를 주제로한 아티클을 찾을 것이다.

예를들어, 작년까지는 리더십 아티클을 주로 보았고, 올해는 마케팅 또는 디지털 아티클을 찾아볼 생각이다.

기록할 내용은 교육할 때 인용할만한 인사이트 또는 교육/학습과 관련하여 고민거리를 제공하는 내용이다.

하지만 늘 그렇듯, 하다보면 바뀔 수도 있음 ㅎㅎㅎ

Mckinsey Insight 


 tumultuous 격동의

 usher 안내하다

 fraught 좋지 않은 것들이 가득한


 Mckinsey Insight 



 Digital strategy in a time of crisis

 영어 표현

 The quickening is evident already across sectors and geographies

 The COVID-19 crisis seemingly provides a sudden glimpse into a future world

 inherent inertia 내재하는 타성 

 hinder 저해하다

 deeply grooved 깊게 홈이 있는

 fall short 모자라다

 cadence 억양

Learning for Learning 

 #위기가 학습 기회를 제공 

 * The ways they learn from and adjust to today’s crisis will deeply influence their performance in tomorrow’s changed world, providing the opportunity to retain greater agility as well as closer ties with customers, employees, and suppliers. 

 * A crisis demands boldness and learning

 #디지털 육성 프로그램 구성으로 고려 : Design Thinking + Tech (AI 등)

 * Organizations that make minor changes to the edges of their business model nearly always fall short of their goals. Tinkering leads to returns on investment below the cost of capital and to changes (and learning) that are too small to match the external pace of disruption. In particular, organizations rapidly adopting AI tools and algorithms, as well as design thinking, and using those to redefine their business at scale have been outperforming their peers.

 #학습 능력 중요

  Bold action and the ability to learn are highly interrelated. The real-time ability to learn during a crisis is in fact the one ingredient that can turbocharge your ability to scale quickly.

 At the broadest level, these include the prospect for real-time learning about where value is going in your markets and industry, the chance to learn and feed back quickly what’s working in your operations and your agile organizational approach, and the opportunity to learn where it is you’re more or less able to move quickly—which can help inform where you might need to buy a business rather than build one

 #네트워크 효과의 활용 방안 고민 필요

 Research indicates that people and organizations learn more quickly as a result of network effects. The more people or organizations that you add to a common solution space, in other words, the more quickly learning occurs and the faster performance improves. 


 Mckinsey Insight



 How six companies are using technology and data to transform themselves

 영어 표현

 unleashing a wave of innovation 촉발시키다

 on steroids 강력한, 끝내주는

 harness 활용하다, 동력화하다

 rejigger 변경하다, 재조정하다

 unearth 발굴하다

 set apart from 에서 구별하다

 pivot 회전하다

 exponential 기하급수적인

 status quo 현재의 상황

 pronged 가닥이 진, 갈래진

 percolate 스며들다

Learning for Learning 

 #행동 변화를 위해 필요한 시간: 평균 66일 

 * the popular magazine Psychology Today concluded that it takes an average of 66 days for a behavior
   to become automatic.


 #환경 변화: Virtual, Digital Centric, Agile 

 * The COVID-19 pandemic is a full-stop on business as usual and a launching pad for organizations
   to become
virtual, digital-centric, and agile

 * The crisis has forced every company into a massive experiment in how to be more nimble, flexible, and fast.

  #잘하고 있는 기업들의 특징

 * digital fast, ready to reinvent, all-in, data-driven decisions, customer followers

 #새로운 기술에 대한 reskilling training 필요 

Addressing its considerable reskilling needs—the majority of Tabang’s workers have no more than
a high school education—resulted in the development of a mobile app with popular gamification elements,
ensuring that employees would stay engaged and complete their training. 

 # Action 중요 

* " A learn-fast culture means we put things into action,” he says. “We don’t sit around thinking about it.”
