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arms and armor / ɑːrmz ənd ˈɑːrmər / 무기와 갑옷
dispatch office / dɪˈspætʃ ˈɒfɪs / 배치 사무소
▶ *dispatch 파견, 발송, 공문
crate / kreɪt / 물품 운송용 대형 상자
depthless / ˈdɛpθlɪs / 깊이가 없는, 피상적인
▶ uniformly / 획일적으로
▶ imposing / ɪmˈpoʊzɪŋ / 위압적인, 인상적인
▶ sturdy / 견고한
▶ aburpt / 갑작스러운, 퉁명스러운
enchanted broom / ɪnˈʧæntɪd bruːm / 마법에 걸린 빗자루
dandruff / ˈdændrəf / 비듬
whisk away / wɪsk əˈweɪ / 재빨리 데려가다
chalice /ˈtʃælɪs/ 성배
dolly /ˈdɒli/ (무거운 물건을 옮기는) 작은 수레
scuffed staircase /skʌft ˈsteərkeɪs/ 긁힌 계단
dog-eared /ˈdɒɡ ɪərd/ (책의) 모서리가 접힌
scissor lift / ˈsɪzər lɪft / 가위형 리프트
▶ tucked / tʌkt / 집어넣은
▶ filth / fɪlθ / 오물
nondescript / ˈnɒndɪskrɪpt / 별 특징 없는, 평범한
phantasmagoric / fæntæ̀zməɡɔ́:rik,-ɡɑ́r-/ 환영 같은
toggling /ˈtɒɡlɪŋ/ 전환하다, 왔다갔다, 켰다껐다 하다
profane /prəˈfeɪn/ 신성 모독의
egress /ˈiːɡrɛs/ 출구
doorway / ˈdɔːrweɪ / 문간
mellow / ˈmɛloʊ / 부드러운
▶ discarded 필요없어서 버리다
c.f., abandoned 포기하거나 내버려두다
▶ conspicuously /kənˈspɪkjuəsli/ 눈에 띄게
conservator /kənˈsɜːrvətər/ 보존자, 관리인
out on loan /aʊt ɒn loʊn/ 대여 중인
shin-high / ʃɪn haɪ / 정강이 높이의
bungee / 고무 밧줄
▶ nuisance /ˈnjuːsəns/ 성가신 것
stairwell / ˈstɛrˌwɛl / 계단 통로
transgression / trænzˈɡrɛʃən / 위반
haunches /hɔːntʃɪz/ 엉덩이
muddles /ˈmʌdəlz/ 혼란
trickling /ˈtrɪklɪŋ/ 똑똑 떨어지다
*trickle in 천천히 들어오다
saunter /ˈsɔːntər/ 느긋하게 걷다
cadence / ˈkeɪdəns / 리듬, 억양
platoon /pləˈtuːn/ (군대의) 소대
condescend / ˌkɒndɪˈsɛnd / 자신을 낮추면서 거들먹거리다
▶ run down / rʌn daʊn / 쇠퇴하다
▶ supporting cast / səˈpɔːrtɪŋ kæst / 조연
custodian / kʌˈstoʊdiən / 관리인
▶ premises / ˈpremɪsɪz/ (한 사업체가 소유·사용하는 건물이 딸린) 부지, 구내
c.f., premise / ˈpremɪs / 전제
rigger /ˈrɪɡər/ 장비 설치자, 비계장치
▶ face up to / feɪs ʌp tuː / 직면하다
▶ vulgar / ˈvʌlɡər / 저속한
▶ diminutive /dɪˈmɪnjətɪv/ 아주 작은
singed / sɪndʒd / 그을린
votive /ˈvoʊtɪv/ 봉헌의
jocular /ˈdʒɒkjʊlər/ 익살스러운
▶ deft /dɛft/ 능숙한, 재빠른
▶ out in the open / aʊt ɪn ði ˈoʊpən / 공공연히
▶ peer down / pɪər daʊn / 아래를 응시하다
cavernous /ˈkævərnəs/ 동굴 같은
▶ influx /ˈɪnflʌks/ 유입
livery / ˈlɪvəri / 제복
amphitheater / ˈæmfɪˌθiːətər / 원형 극장
geysering / ˈɡaɪzərɪŋ / 분출하는
blinding / ˈblaɪndɪŋ / 눈부신
statuary / │stætʃueri / 조각상들
taut / tɔːt / 팽팽한
affix 부착하다
evangelized /ɪˈvænʤəlaɪzd/ 전도된
zeal /ziːl/ 열정
raider / ˈreɪdər / 침입자
by trade / baɪ treɪd / 직업상
hardheaded / -hédid / 완고한, 고집센
latter day / ˈlætər deɪ / 현대의
visceral /ˈvɪsərəl/ 본능적인
▶ sheer / ʃɪər / 순전한
▶ sprawl / sprɔːl / 펼쳐지다
wobbliness /ˈwɒblɪnəs/ 흔들림
barrel / ˈbærəl / 통
*barreled 통에 넣은
vantage point / ˈvæntɪdʒ pɔɪnt / 유리한 위치
whirlwind /ˈwɜːrlwɪnd/ 회오리바람
leapingly 펄쩍펄쩍 뛰며
topmost /ˈtɒpmoʊst/ 가장 높은
frond /frɒnd/ 잎
▶ give credit for / ɡɪv ˈkrɛdɪt fɔːr / ~에 대한 공로를 인정하다
discharge 석방하다, 방출하다
namely / ˈneɪmli / 즉
fluttering / ˈflʌtərɪŋ / 펄럭이는
grip / ɡrɪp / 잡다
nipping / ˈnɪpɪŋ / 물어뜯는
▶ keeping at the heels of 뒤를 이어
▶ *on the heels of 직후에
plucky /ˈplʌki/ 용감한
parse / pɑːrs / 분석하다
▶ abashed /əˈbæʃt/ 당황한
headiest / ˈhɛdiɪst / 가장 흥분된
blown up 몹시 취한
hundredfold 100배의
▶ eminent /ˈɛmɪnənt/ 저명한
stupefied / ˈstuːpɪfaɪd / 망연자실한
yearned 동경하다
▶ rambling /ˈræmblɪŋ/ 횡설수설하는
restless / ˈrɛstlɪs / 불안한
언급된 작품
<View of Toledo>
El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos) | View of Toledo | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
We know remarkably little about the circumstances around the creation of this masterpiece, El Greco's greatest surviving landscape. There is a possibility that it was still in the artist's studio when he died, for in the inventory of his possessions drawn
<Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints>
Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio or Santi) | Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
<b>The Artist:</b> Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo were the three supreme masters of Italian Renaissance drawing and painting. Born in the Marches at Urbino in 1483, Raphael—influenced by and in time surpassing the Umbrian painter Pietro Per
<Madonna and Child>
Simone Martini | Madonna and Child | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
<br/>The Artist: <br/><br/>The Sienese master Simone Martini was one of the greatest and most influential painters of his time. His work combines an astonishing mastery of naturalistically observed details with an exquisite technique
<The Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer>
Edgar Degas | The Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer | French, Paris | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
<strong>Signature:</strong> Burnt into wood of base: Degas<br/><br/><strong>Marking:</strong> Within bronze rectangle let into base: CIRE / PERDUE / AA HEBRARD / A ; within bronze seal on left thigh: CIRE / PERDUE / AA HEBRARD ; incised in bronze to right
<Marble statue of a wounded warrior>
Marble statue of a wounded warrior | Roman | Mid-Imperial, Antonine | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Said to be from near Rome (Richter 1954, p. 23).<br/><br/> Early 1920s, head and body excavated from near Rome; 1924-1925, acquired by Ugo Jandolo from his uncle, Alessandro Jandolo; acquired April 20, 1925, purchased from Ugo Jandolo, Rome
<Mastaba Tomb of Perneb>
Mastaba Tomb of Perneb | Old Kingdom | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
<br/><b>The Location of Perneb’s Tomb </b><br/><br/>For millennia, the vast cemetery of Saqqara (about twenty-five miles south of Cairo) was the burial ground for Memphis, ancient Egypt’s capital. In an especially crowded section, just north of the enc
<The Triumph of Marius>
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo | The Triumph of Marius | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
This work depicts the triumphal procession of the Roman general Gaius Marius, in his chariot, with the defeated African king Jugurtha, in chains, walking before him, an event that took place in 104 B.C
<Bis Pole>
Bis Pole | Asmat people | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
C.M.A. Groenvelt, Causuarinen Coast, Hollandia, New Guinea, until 1958; Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, Amsterdam, 1958–1961; Nelson A. Rockefeller, New York, 1961, on permanent loan to The Museum of Primitive Art, New York, 1961–1978<br/><br/>
< The Harvesters >
Pieter Bruegel the Elder | The Harvesters | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
<b>Attribution, Date, and Bruegel’s Working Methods:</b> When The Met acquired <i>The Harvesters</i> in 1919, the extraordinarily low sale price in part had to do with the art market that had virtually collapsed during World War I
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